多媒體舞蹈劇場《靜默・影照》**Multimedia Dance Theater **
Tranquillity Silhouette
地 點 Venue
Former Municipal Casttle Stable日 期 Date
2020.11.22(18:00)票 價 Price
Duration: approximately 1 hour
-艾希提耶(Françoise Héritier)“The event will fade away, but the true essence will remain inscribed on the body”
– French anthropologist Françoise Héritie
Creative Process2018年,創作人 J Lei 以「消逝」、「殘缺」之生命本質為題,開展系列舞蹈劇場創作,包括《靜默》(2018),及後於2019年澳門城市藝穗節,再次聯同本地舞者張楚誠及錄像創作人梁祖賢,以及特邀紐約藝術家Morgan O’Hara,透過身體、光影與現場繪畫,共同創作《靜默・移轉》。經歷兩部前作,2020年,創作團隊再度創作《靜默.影照》,透過獨舞者不由自主的身體,感受一呼一吸的存在,直視黑暗之光影流淌、消逝與共存。In 2018 artist J Lei created a series of dancing theatre productions based on the themes of “fading” and “incomplete” to talk about the nature of life, including Tranquility (2018). She later collaborated with local dancer Oscar Cheong and video artist Joein Leong, as well as invited artist from New York Morgan O’Hara, to present Tranquillity Transmission at the 2019 Macao City Fringe Festival through body, lights and shadows, and live painting.In light of the past two works, this creative team came up with Tranquility・Silhouette in 2020. The uncontrollable body of the solo dancer underscores the mechanism of breathing and highlights the flowing, fading and coexistence of lights and shadows in the dark.

Remarks from Artists
李銳俊 J Lei
導演及編舞Director and Choreography「認清世間一切現象都是無常的事實,就能完成內心世界的真正平安。 」
──聖嚴法師*“Clearly see that everything in the world is impermanent, and you can realize the inner world of true peace. ” *
Master Sheng Yen
致亡者,與生者,我們同在。感謝來到這裡,讓我們坐在一起。就在我們共同存在的這個時空裡,有些人,時間流淌的方式並不一樣。可能只是動一根手指頭,就已經要用盡全身力氣,以及無數個日夜。更別說轉動一隻茶杯、梳洗,甚至站起來走一步。生命的每一個時刻,分解出來都有使人驚心動魄的細節在其中,時間對每個人都不一樣。還有一些人,每天只能看著光影流逝,世界不復存在,意義已然瓦解。當身體不再由自己所控制,當意志不再有支配的權利,當語言不再能表達,知識不再被需要,歷史也不需被確認,當人們無法成為自己想要成為的人,只能在黑暗中直視黑暗,可能直至所有燈都被關掉,才發現原來光,一直都在。而你將在回家的路上。我們會再見,如同在夢中。請哀悼,在這不容哀悼的年代。To the dead and living, we are all together.Thanks for coming here so that we could sit together.In this time and space we live together, the passing of time for some people is different than others.It might exhaust all efforts for a person, as well as countless days and nights, to move a finger.Let alone holding a teacup, brushing and cleaning, and even standing up to make a step.When we dissect every moment of our life, each is embedded with awe-inspiring details, and time is different for each person.There are also some people, who could just witness the passage of time every day. Their world no longer exists and the meaning has gone.When the body is beyond our control, when the mind is beyond our command,When language could not be used for expression, knowledge is no longer needed, and history is no longer acknowledged,When people could not become who they want to be, and they can only look at the darkness in the dark,Perhaps, until all the lamps have been turned off, we will realize there is light, which is always here.And you will be on your way home. We will meet again, as in a dream.Please mourn, at the time when mourning is not tolerated.
梁祖賢 Joein Leong
錄像創作 Video Creation好久不見了,親愛的偏執狂,我們說起了當年。這紅紙是某年農曆新年到你家去,你封來的紅包夾著的,我留到現在,太有意思了。想當年,大學入學面試就是你取錄我的。想當年,assessment 我最期待就是你認真留下的評語,文字何其重要。
在工作場所認識了你太太,一直稱呼我為小姑娘,後來才知道被稱小姑娘是種讚美。想當年,你和另一位導師要我做創作,到現在和你妹合作,怎麼又是你?你知道我沒有拒絕你的能力,你說橫琴要記錄,好的跟你去走走,你說要找個策展人我帶給你我認為最好的她。想當年,我們在你車子上一起聽過雷光夏,間接地去看雷的演唱會成了我2019年生日禮物之一,今天我和她站在你面前,我們仨一起再聽一次《黑暗之光》。想當年,到你家喝咖啡,把你CD架上的珍藏帶走,我就喜歡到現在。Jun Miyake的《the here and after》,我們一起聽了一回。
靜默之中我們唸詩,唸了楊牧與辛波斯卡,關於生命、秋天與花蓮,這是我第一次唸詩給人聽。你默默流下眼淚,我按耐不住,但我深深相信,那些是感動的眼淚,我們一期一會,交集這麼多,緣份這麼深。還有好多話想跟你說。希望你好。深深的期盼。It’s been a long time, my dear paranoid. Let’s talk about the past.When I visited your home during the Chinese New Year period for one year, you gave me a red packet that included this piece of red paper. I’ve still kept it until now, because it is so meaningful.Recalling the past, you were the interviewer and approved my university admission.Recalling the past, what I looked most forward to during the assessment was your attentive remarks. These words were so precious.Recalling the past, you once told me adorably in front of an elevator that there was recruitment of part-time staff at the museum and you helped me submit the application documents. This has shaped my life path until today.I’ve met your wife at the workplace, who keeps calling me “little girl”. I’ve only found out later “little girl” is a compliment.Recalling the past, you and another instructor requested me to be engaged in artistic creation. Now I’m working with your younger sister. Why is it you again?You knew I could not say no to you. When you said you wanted to do something about Hengqin, I went there with you. When you said you need a curator, I brought you the one who I thought was the best.Recalling the past, we listened to Summer Lei’s music together in your car, which had indirectly led us to watching Lei’s concert, one of my birthday presents in 2019. Today, she and I stand in front of you, and we three listen to The Light of Darkness once again.Recalling the past, I was having a coffee at your home and I took away your precious CD collection, which I still love as of today. We listened to Jun Miyake’s the here and after once again.In silence we recited poems, we recited the works of Yang Mu and Wisława Szymborska, about life, autumn and Hualien. This was the first time I recited poems for another person.You were weeping quietly and I also could not hold back my tears, but I profoundly believe we wept because we were moved. We met once in a while with our lives closely intertwined, sharing a heartfelt relationship.I still have a lot of things to share with you. I sincerely wish you all the best.2020.10.27
張楚誠 Oscar Cheong
腹、胸、肩、臂、手掌、手指,移動,停止。我意圖著力專注身體每個瞬間的變化、似是手拿放大鏡在每個當下檢視自己,越著力地看,越是捉摸不實。彷佛對准焦距的一刻已注定失距,身體、事、物的移動速度比想像中來得快。當我以為自己可以更加了解自己的時候,忘了世界的法則。Toes, soles, knees, hips, march forward and breathe.
Belly, chest, shoulders, arms, palms, fingers, move and stop.I’ve intended to focus on every change of my body, as if putting myself under a microscope at every moment. The harder I try to focus and see, the less I get grasp of. It is seemingly destined to be lost in focus at the moment when it is under scrutiny: the actual moving pace of body, things and objects is much faster than imagined.When I thought I could learn more about myself, I forgot the principles of the world.

在心裡對自己說話,忠實保留自己對於曾經愛過的人的某些想法。Talking to myself in my heart. Keeping my thoughts towards someone I loved once authentically.清楚誠實地面對,是我所解讀的,屬於你賦予的意義。*Facing it clearly and honestly, in the way I interpret, the meaning you gave. *喜歡深沉或猶豫或清晰或低啞或熱情或充滿笑意或溫柔的聲音,然後賦予每個聲音一個外貎和一個永恆的年紀。Fall in love with a deep, hesitant, crystal clear, hoarse, passionate, full of laughter, or gentle voice. Then imagine an appearance for each voice and give it an eternal age.安靜的時刻和孤獨的時刻。
逗貓咪玩,跳舞,探索陌生的城市,講冷笑話。Moments of quiet and moments of being alone.
Waking up in the night when everyone is asleep.
Teasing the cat, dancing, exploring a strange city, talking stupid jokes.手心的溫度,炸雞翼的香氣,吃冰淇淋或巧克力。
有人在看您的時候,有人聽您說話的時候,覺得自己動作敏捷的時候。Palm temperature, scent of fried chicken, eating ice-cream or chocolate.
When someone is watching you, when someone is listening to you, when you feel agile.越想忘記就越記得起,越想我忘記的,我就越要記住。The more you remember. The more I was made to forget, the more I have to remember.

About《Fullmoon》《Fullmoon》的誦讀來自已故美國作家Paul Bowles的小說《The Sheltering Sky》,貝托魯奇電影《The Sheltering Sky》結尾中由作家本人親自讀出,坂本龍一運用這段電影原聲片段,再以十種不同語言作出獨白。The recitation of Fullmoon originates from The Shletering Sky by late US author Paul Bowles. In the movie version of The Shletering Sky by Bernardo Bertolucci, Bowles recites Fullmoon by himself in the end scene. Ryuichi Sakamoto then uses the movie recording to make a monologue in ten different languages.
《Fullmoon》lyrics 歌詞
Because we don't know when we will die
We get to think of life as an inexhaustible well
Yet everything happens only a certain number of times
And a very small number, really
How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood
Some afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive your life without it?
Perhaps four or five times more
Perhaps not even that
How many more times will you watch the full moon rise?
Perhaps twenty, and yet it all seems limitless
曲目 Songs | 專輯 Albums | 年份 Year |
Disintegration | Ryuichi Sakamoto from “Async” | 2017 |
Ubi | Ryuichi Sakamoto from “Async” | 2017 |
Async | Ryuichi Sakamoto from “Async” | 2017 |
Tri | Ryuichi Sakamoto from “Async” | 2017 |
Fullmoon | Ryuichi Sakamoto from “Async” | 2017 |
讀白 Monologue | 摘自《生命中的鹽》Excerpt From 《Le Sel De La Vie》) | |
I’ll see you in my dreams | 弗萊卻韓德森大樂團Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra | 1925 |
Going Home | 現場錄音Live recording From Paris | 2018 |
素描 Sketch范世康 FAN Sai Hong
畫家 Illustrator
劇照 Photos
LEI Pui Cheng
攝影師 Photography
宣傳影片 Video
About Artists
李銳俊 (阿J)J LEI澳門人,曾為石頭公社及婆仔屋藝術空間(牛房倉庫)創始成員,從事劇場創作、策劃、教育、文字寫作及編輯等工作,並發表多個舞蹈劇場、環境劇場作品。A Macao resident. Founding member of Comuna de Pedra and Old Ladies' House Art Space (Ox Warehouse). She now engages in various fields, including theatre creation, planning, education, writing and editing, and has produced numerous dance theatre and site-specific theatre works.
梁祖賢 Joein LEONG她善於利用其纖細的女性觸覺創作,試探不同領域,包括錄像、攝影、設計、陶藝及填詞,療己療人。自2008年起參展,作品曾於中國、韓國、台灣、香港、澳門展出。She promotes a sensitive and delicate female perspective in her works while explores different realms like video, photography, design, pottery and lyrics creation in her own right, trying to discover solace for herself and others. Joein’s works have been showcased in various exhibitions in China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.
張楚誠 Oscar CHEONG澳門石頭公社及梳打埠實驗工場成員。 表演藝術工作者。自2006年參與第一個演出起,以演員、編創及統籌等身份遊走於不同的演出之中。Member of Comuna de Pedra and Soda-City Experimental Workshop. A performing artist. Since the first performance in 2006, he has participated in numerous performances in different roles, including actor, creator and coordinator.
Artistic & Production
Team List
導演及編舞Director and Choreography:
李銳俊 J LEI舞者Dancer:
張楚誠 Oscar CHEONG錄像創作 Video Creation:
梁祖賢 Joein LEONG平面設計 Graphic Design:
梁浩賢 Ricky LEONG攝影 Photography:
LEI Pui Cheng錄像記錄 Video Recording:
LAO Keng U技術統籌及執行
Technical Coordination and Execution:
馮鎮業@米製作 FONG Chan Ip@Miis Poduction行政 Administration:
葉穎雯 Mandy IP主辦及製作Organizer & Production:
Artistry of Wind Box Community Development Association